Saturday, March 29, 2008

all for one

all for one this summer as just be gone lets rock and roll
do your ears hang low do they
net bike score love phone pickle apple pipe food smile youth club tonight upstairs games other
play fun ears dog puppy.
dog yeah, rock, naked dancing, hello, silver pizza, warm hall, camera, vegemite and cheese shoes
These are some favorite things

Saturday Workshop

Played with cameras and different animation techniques - zoetropes, phenakistascopes, thaumatropes & flip books. Looking at movement, framing, beginnings and endings, and cycles.

Beaconsfield Compass

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Welcome to The Gravity Project in Beaconsfield!

Starting Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th March (the weekend after the Easter long weekend)

Venue: Beaconsfield House

Artist: Lucia Rossi

Cost: free